The PokeMMO Shiny OT Team Leaderboard ranks teams based on the total number of shiny Pokémon caught by their members. Only OT (Original Trainer) shinies are counted, meaning these are shinies the players have caught themselves and still possess.
The PokeMMO Player OT Shiny Leaderboard ranks individual players based on the total number of shiny Pokémon they have caught. Only OT shinies are counted.
The team ranking is determined by the total number of OT shinies caught by each team. Teams with more shinies are ranked higher.
The player ranking is determined by the total number of OT shinies caught by each player. Players with more shinies are ranked higher.
The data is generated from web scrapers that read the team showcases.
The shiny counts are updated every hour from publicly available information on the PokeMMO forums. Teams often have a shiny showcase, and the data is scraped from there.
Going off number of shinies is the quickest and easiest way to make a leaderboard. Due to the number of different formats of team showcases it is difficult to determine species of shiny Pokemon. Eventually, a better site will be made with much more leaderboards and rankings but people will need to register and update their shinies on the website. This will take time to develop.
For support or to onboard a team, you can create a support ticket on the PokeMMO Zone discord or submit pull requests to our repository. To make it easier to add your team, we recommend using the format "username (shiny count)" on your team's showcase.